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03 May 2007 -- the sequel

After all the fuss yesterday over my post about the Ecofraud website, I ended up emailing back and forth with Marc Gendron... the man behind the music.

To my surprise, I discovered that Marc wasn't a cookie-cutter example of the self-defined progressive activist you usually encounter in this neck of the blogosphere. He's a smart, articulate guy, who enjoys occasionally poking a stick through the bars... a kindred spirit, of a sort.

It took a while, but I also recognised that what he had done here was not unlike some of the positions I had taken in the past... making fun of something that I particularly disagreed with.

And yes, I believe him when he says was his child... and not the spawn of some backroom firebreathing leftbot cabal.

Lastly, unlike a lot of the ratpack I usually encounter, he's no crybaby... which carries a lot of weight around here.

So with his agreement, I give you a snippet of our discourse...
You and I are smart enough to recognize that some attacks are valid and some are not. I can say that about both parties.

Sometimes, the Liberal bloggers exaggerate. Some other times, the Conservatives do too. It is part of the political game we're in. But I certainly dislike the whining -- on both sides -- as much as you do.

As an example, I did not mind your post. It is only fair that people know that this web site was built by an involved Liberal member.

However, I think that we can objectively say that people writing about a 'scandal' are being a little over-sensitive. The site is a parody; it is just meant to be fun and raise awareness about the plan.
He was also very good about telling me about the massive traffic I apparently drove to the site... courtesy, I'm sure, of the bumps afforded the post by SDA, Natnews and Bourque... which stung a little, I must admit.

I get the feeling from our exchange, that after meeting Marc... you couldn't help but like the guy. If he's ever in this part of the country, I would buy him a beer.

And while I disagree with the gist of the commentary on the website, I have to admit that, yes... it was funny.

And if that's going over to the dark side... so be it.

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