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03 May 2007

Apparently he didn't dither...

All the time.

Gotta love the blatant, premeditated hypocrisy here... former Liberal Prime Minister Dithers wallowing in the very mud his successors have been throwing at Prime Minister Harper and General Hillier all week.
-- OTTAWA -- Former prime minister Paul Martin gave approval almost two years ago for then defence minister Bill Graham to negotiate a detainee transfer agreement with the Afghanistan government, say documents obtained by CanWest News Service.

The documents show that Mr. Martin, who has yet to speak publicly on the controversy, was briefed on the agreement more than six months before it was signed.
This, of course, isn't really news... except to the spin-twins at CTV and the CBC politburo. The previous Liberal governments took exactly the same position on Taliban detainees as the Conservatives did later.

Lest anyone doubt that this was official and longstanding Liberal policy, the audit trail shows the smoking fingerprints of the Prince of Darkness himself, all over this missive...
The May, 2005, letter states that Canada's new detainee policy "proceeds from the same premise" as strategic objectives approved by former prime minister Jean Chretien in November, 2001.

Mr. Chretien was the first prime minister to commit warships and special forces commandos to the U.S.-led war on terrorism, one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
Ironically... the Liberals likely did it to keep those poor Taliban terrorists out of the hands of the "evil Americans."

Let's hear one Liberal with a shred of decency admit that.

That's what I thought.

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