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20 April 2007

Like federal like provincial...

It's the same old Fiberal story... your money - their friends...
An Iranian community group, whose members include Ontario Liberals, received a $200,000 immigrant aid grant from the provincial government only three weeks after it was registered as a charity.

The centre was first listed with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency as a charitable organization in the category "protection of animals," but later was changed to the category "recreation, playgrounds and vacation camps."

Its directors include the Liberal candidate for the new riding of Richmond Hill in the Oct. 10 provincial election and the riding association president, whose North York law office is listed as the charity's mailing address.
Thank you Dalton McGuinty.

UPDATE: 21 Apr - McGuinty lets bribe to Iranians slide...
"I think we can do a better job and I think that we have to do a better job," Mr. McGuinty told reporters yesterday. "We're going to have to look at it."

The government says the unnamed spending program is designed to enhance diversity and settlement projects for new immigrants.
While the Fiberals "look at it", Conservatives call for an investigation...
Conservative opposition leader John Tory called for an investigation by the auditor general into the matter and said he planned to introduce a motion compelling officials to testify before a committee on the matter.

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