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20 April 2007

Justice - Aboriginal style - again...

LATEST GESTURE: Oh yeah, that'll solve things...
"CN has obtained an injunction from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that has been served on the protesters by the sheriff's department requiring them to dismantle the blockade forthwith," said CN Rail spokesman Mark Hallman.

Hey, big surprise... another aboriginal terrorist action.
The train tracks at Deseronto Road, west of Kingston, have once again been blocked by a group of people who police said are affiliated with the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
Just listening on the local radio station to professional spokes-native Shawn Brant trying to justify closing down the CN tracks at Deseronto.

Brant was spouting the usual "we are victims" argle-bargle about the racist Canadian regime... while his band of merry men was shutting down all rail traffic between Toronto and points east.

A spokesman for CN came on and was very careful not to offend native sensibilities by mentioning the effect on commuters, or the cost to businesses waiting for just-in-time shipments. Wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings, would we.

Funny... no one available to comment from the OPP.



UPDATE: Speak OPP, speak...

Just heard a Napanee OPP constable on radio station CJBQ say that the CN rail lands are, "the jurisdiction of the CN police".

Whew, that was a close one guys... see you back at the Tims.

Here's the party line from the OPP...
"Currently the situation is peaceful," police said in a news release around 8 a.m. "The O.P.P. and the C.N. Police are working closely together.

The O.P.P. are at the scene rerouting traffic around the blockade."
So much for "law enforcement". Well, I guess we'll have to settle for traffic cops.

No problem here... move along folks.


RELATED: Occupation and thievery...

First they shut down and occupy a private business... then they start stealing the inventory.
Mohawk demonstrators make no apologies about trucking gravel out of the Thurlow Aggregates site for use on driveways and potholes on the Tyendinaga reserve, says one protester.

Demonstrators have been using their own equipment to truck some of the existing gravel to benefit people on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, said Jason Maracle, who has been on the scene since the occupation began March 22.
So where are the OPP and Tyendinaga police on this?

The protest blockade at Deseronto is a decidedly laid-back affair, as shown in this photo from Loyalist Pioneer's Christopher Clarke.

Here, Tyendinaga Mohawk Police Senior Const. Marcel Maracle, left, relaxes with protest organizer Shawn Brant as the pair waited for a pot of corn soup to heat over the campfire.
I guess we know why nobody's getting arrested.

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