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21 April 2007

If you're a copper...

And some guy tells you he's gonna rob a bank... aren't you under some sort of obligation to keep an eye on him and maybe try to prevent it?

If you've been following the aboriginal rail blockade in Deseronto, in Eastern Ontario this week, you might not necessarily come to that conclusion.

Shawn Brant, fresh off a major disruption of Canada's busiest rail corridor, is promising more of what he likes to call, "economic disruptions" to Canadian citizenry and infrastructure alike... in the near future.
"Believe it or not, it was the first soft step of the campaign," said Shawn Brant around 8 a.m., two hours after the group removed a school bus blocking the tracks. "We have identified three different targets, and we will escalate the degree of severity as is necessary."
Bear in mind this is the very same Shawn Brant who had a spot of trouble with the local constabulary just a little while ago...
-- DESERONTO -- Charged with three counts of uttering death threats are Shawn Michael Brant, 42, of Tyendinaga.
But, you might ask, "Don't the police have to have pretty specific cause before they start keeping tabs on private citizens"?

Well, the enthusiastic, but apparently not especially bright Mr. Brant has obligingly and very publicly announced his criminal intent to the mainstream media...
Those targets are the railway, provincial highways and the town of Deseronto, Brant said as he puffed on cigarettes at the gravel quarry that is the heart of the dispute

The next target has been selected already and plans for the action are being finalized, he said.
I suspect Mr. Brant is feeling quite pleased with himself for the moment... after shutting down, occupying and looting a private gravel pit operation and then, in short order, facing down one of the largest corporate entities in Canada... with absolutely no legal consequences to himself, or his band of criminal brothers.

Not too surprisingly, the aboriginal police force seems to have taken Mr. Brant's side of things... going as far as to join him for refreshments at his illegal siege.

Although I have heard from a reliable source, that local OPP line officers are not very happy about having to stand by and watch these miscreants flouting the law, apparently those higher up the chain of command have no such issues...
"No arrests have been made at this point", said Ontario Provincial Police Sgt. Kristine Rae.

"We’re pleased that it was a peaceful resolution."
Peaceful, of course, until the day it isn't.

LAST WORD: I have a theory...
... about danger and risk-taking... it goes something like this...

Doing something stupid, or dangerous is like playing the lottery... the more tickets you buy, the better your chances of "winning the jackpot".

Right now, Shawn Brant is on a hysterical spending spree. He's won a few small prizes and now he has gambling fever...

With all the tickets he's been buying lately, I'm guessin' Mr. Brant is due for a big win. And as soon as he oversteps and engages the OPP, or another similar body in his much touted "violent confrontation"... he may find he has hit the jackpot.

Just my two cents.

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