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27 March 2007

"We'll shut down the whole town"

Say Mohawks.

Yeah, yeah... "We're all shocked", reply law-abiding Ontarians.
Since Thursday, Mohawk protesters have occupied a quarry near Deseronto owned by Thurlow Aggregates.

The demonstrators have said they will stay until the quarry's licence is revoked and, if it isn't, the protest will expand to the town and surrounding roads.
Thank you very much, Mr. McGuinty.

BIG PICTURE: Who's in charge here?

RELATED: Let's play Kashechewan Roulette

First, you take $500-million dollars...
-- OTTAWA -- A beach on James Bay, a paint ball park, a ski hill, a swimming pool, a bowling alley, a hotel, a radio station and a movie theatre.

These are just some of the amenities the residents of the northern Cree community of Kashechewan think the government should provide for them at a new site 30 kilometres up river from the flood-prone existing location.

The community has pegged the cost of the move at nearly $500-million -- and that was before the extras listed above were added to the price tag.

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