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27 March 2007

The Party of Prohibition

-- "I'm from the government... I'm here to save you." --

Join us as Kate from Small Dead Animals tears Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant a new asshole.
"This means that the law continues, which means no more pit bulls in Ontario," contends Michael Bryant. "No pit bulls sold, bred or imported into the province of Ontario.
Of course, that's not the whole story...
An Ontario Superior Court Justice has struck down parts of the province's controversial pitbull law.

The court ruled two key parts of the law, including the definition of what a pit bull is, are unconstitutional. And the jurist found using a veterinarian to prove a dog's breed also violates the law.
Kate replies...
However, like gun laws, breed bans do little more than punish the law abiding for the failures of the irresponsible.

For the creative, experiments in cross-breeding will always be two steps ahead of any legislative attempt to define "dangerous" on the basis of size, appearance or registry.

Give me an Australian Cattle dog, an Akita and a Silky Terrier, and I'll make you a 25 pound wolverine that answers to "Fido".

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