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18 March 2007

Ultimate "fire & forget" weapon

I just wanna see the recruiting video for Mullah Dadullah's explosive new Islamotard Corps.

Top Taleban commander Mullah Dadullah told the BBC that 1,800 suicide bombers were ready to go into action.
Wanted: for very temporary, light duties... no education required. Must be willing to take direction.

No medical or dental, but if accepted... you go straight to the top of the org chart.

I also love the part where he touches on (shsssh... no drug money here, folks) finances...
He said the militants had been able to procure sophisticated heavy weapons with the additional cash they had received.

But the Taleban commander refused to answer questions about where the extra money was coming from.
Then immediately trashes the warlord down the street...
"Gulbuddin Hekmatyar cannot be anybody's ally... he will be the ally of anyone who gives him money," the Taleban commander said.
Religion of Peace -- exporting heroin -- exploding people.

It's all good.

If you're handing out blame...

Don't forget evil Canada.
"We’ve used words like brainwashing and indoctrination and they’ve lost their emphasis," she said. Now she uses the word seduction.

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