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18 March 2007

Old hippies never die...

They just smell that way.

It's not about whether you actually accomplish anything... you just have to spout the Gore-Suzuki party line.
-- WOODSTOCK, N.Y., March 14 -- Forget for a second the question of whether such a goal is even feasible.

In this crunchy town of art galleries and funky shops, where people get around on colorful bikes and storefronts post signs like “hippies always welcome,” proponents say that if anyplace can reduce its carbon emissions to zero, Woodstock will be it.
Of course, you have to read through all kinds of warm, fuzzy liberal claptrap, before you get to...
Liz Simonson, a Town Board member said, “The resolution may largely be symbolic, but symbolism has a lot of value.”
Especially to burnt-out relics of the sixties.

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