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25 March 2007

Spring Offensive, my ass

They're getting pretty good at sneak attacks that kill and dismember innocent bystanders, but every time these death-donkeys go head to head against actual soldiers... they get their asses handed to them.

You'd think maybe somebody would notice that.
-- KABUL, March 25 (Reuters) -- Afghan and NATO troops killed 12 suspected Islamist insurgents overnight when they tried to attack a military base in a southeastern province on the border with Pakistan, the coalition said on Sunday.

Fighting between the Taliban rebels and troops has escalated with the end of winter in Afghanistan in what is expected to be a crunch year for both sides.

The latest incident took place near Fire Base Tillman in Paktika Province, and the attackers were repulsed with small arms fire, backed by air support and artillery, a statement from the coalition said.

Two coalition and two Afghan soldiers received minor wounds, it added.
Watch for the much vaunted Spring Offensive to revert to more roadside sneak attacks and cowardly suicide bombings.

Because that's who they are.

UPDATE: 27 Mar - Backstabbing cowards

Like I said...
Units from the Gagetown, N.B.-based battle group have been reporting a spike in roadside bombs and random rocket attacks this week in the Zhari, Panjwaii and Maywand districts.

One soldier suffered a badly broken arm and was to be transported to Germany for treatment. The other soldier suffered minor injuries.

Capt. Allen said his soldiers, members of 6 platoon, Hotel company, bounced back quickly from the ordeal. He cited the performance of the two injured soldiers, who didn't report they were hurt until after the attack.

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