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25 March 2007

Iranian quid pro quo...

May blow up in their faces.

As Iran demonstrated so clearly when it seized the American Embassy back in November of 1979, the Iranian regime has absolutely no respect for the rule of law.

The seizure of British sailors this week was obviously retaliation for Iranian operatives previously captured and held by American forces in Iraq.
Up to 50 Iranian "spies" have been captured and imprisoned by British troops in secret operations in southern Iraq in the last four years.

Now Government officials are having to consider setting them free to save the eight sailors - one a woman - and seven Royal Marines held by Iranians.

The revelation came as the sailors were interrogated by the Iranian secret service after reportedly being moved to the capital, Tehran.
UPDATE: Iran raises the stakes
Fifteen British sailors and marines arrested by Iran's Revolutionary Guards off the coast of Iraq may be charged with spying.

A website run by associates of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, reported last night that the Britons would be put before a court and indicted.
This is, of course, the same sort of trash-talk the Iranians are used to spewing every time they turn around.

They have a similar regard for the truth.
The British embassy in Iran said it had sought Sunday's meeting to demand the release of the sailors.

However, reports on Iranian TV said it was Iran's foreign ministry that summoned the ambassador, to receive a protest about British actions.

The Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, said the UK had requested a phone call with him later on Sunday.
By this time, even the Iranians are fully aware that if anything does happen to any one of the British captives, Madman Ahmadinejad and his Islamo-nutbag inner circle will be checking out Waziri want-ads for nice, snug ratholes in far off Bin-Laden Acres.

My guess is there's any number of SAS teams all over this thing already.

And Allah knows, those boys play for keeps.

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