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13 March 2007

The slings and arrows...

Of outrageous Clan Mothers.

I can see why most aboriginal communities are so screwed up. Not only are they constantly at war with the Great White Mother, they can't even agree on anything among themselves.
-- The Six Nations community has to sort out its internal differences before talks aimed at ending a year-long aboriginal occupation in southern Ontario can get back on track, Ontario�s aboriginal affairs minister David Ramsay said Tuesday.

Government negotiators ended a meeting early last week after Six Nations Chief David General who has spoken out against the occupation of a former housing development site in Caledonia, Ont. was barred from attending the negotiations by several aboriginal community members.
It's time to get rid of Dithering Dalton and put someone in there who can cut through this never-ending kindergarden recess.

One law, one people... no more pandering.

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