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14 March 2007

It's culture, not skin colour...

That matters.

There's a huge kerfuffle out there, about the new Canadian census data.

UPDATE: More Pavilions At Folkfest...

Will automatically create racial harmony... goes the LibFib.


It doesn't have to be, if you'll excuse the pun, so black and white.
-- “Welcome to Harlem,” Ms. Higginsen told Mr. West and his wife, Mack, as the crowd cheered. “Meet your DNA cousins,” Ms. Higginsen yelled to her relatives.

“If it’s my story, it’s many people’s story too,” Ms. Higginsen said.

"It’s the real story of America. People are finally asking: ‘Whose blood is running through our veins? Who are we?"
Trouble is, the people who don't get it, are, for the most part, the extremely parochial immigrants who cluster in the Chinatowns, Greektowns and ghettos like the Jane-Finch corridor... the ethnic enclaves.

It's this isolation that encourages the tribal outlook. And that tribal outlook too often spawns trouble.

Out in the wider world, the continued, increasing exposure to newcomers and the idea of all men being equal has paved the way for a diverse North America.

As Missouri cattle rancher Marion West announced to his newfound Harlem cousins...
“I’ve been breeding cattle all my life, and I’ll tell you, cross-breeding is better,” he said. “You mate the black angus with the other breeds, and you have better, healthier offspring.”
Canada with it's government sanctioned spoonfeeding of multi-culturalism, emphasising everybody's differences... is doing no-one any favours.

And we're gonna pay for that one day soon.

RELATED: -- The Billion Loogie Boogie...

Speaking of cultural dissonance... check out China's massive pre-Olympics social-engineering project...
In her view, the worst habits of Beijing's residents will be extremely difficult to change unless they are publicly shamed by others. Spitting is one of the nastiest examples.
Don't miss the comments that accompany the article.

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