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13 March 2007

A deal with death

Screw the rest of the world... this is all about us.
-- JAKARTA -- Indonesia will not share H5N1 avian flu samples with the World Health Organization without a legally binding agreement promising the virus won't be used to develop commercial vaccines, the country's health minister said Tuesday.

Siti Fadilah Supari, digging in her heels in a weeks-long standoff with the global health agency, said a letter of guarantee from WHO Director General Margaret Chan late last month was not sufficient for Indonesia.
RELATED: Hmmm... that sounds so familiar.
-- JAKARTA, Indonesia, 19 Oct. 2005 -- Indonesian officials covered up and then neglected a spreading bird flu epidemic for two years until it began to sicken humans this summer, posing a grave threat to people well beyond the country's borders, according to Indonesian and international health experts.
So, unless I'm misreading this -- Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country -- whose adherents are always yammering on about peace and the love of fellow human beings... is now holding the rest of the world's feet to the fire, on a cure for a disease that could kill hundreds of millions of people.

I don't get it.

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