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29 March 2007

Iran to UK -- Nyah, nyah...

We fooled you...
Iranian state television reported Leading Seaman Turney would not be released "for the time being".

The head of Iran's supreme national security council, Ali Larijani, was quoted as saying: "It was announced that a woman in the group would be freed, but this development was met with an incorrect attitude."
The Iranians may have been encouraged in this further bout of international mischief by the spokesman for, not as you might be tempted to guess, Miss Manners... but Prime Minister Tony Blair...
"We are not seeking to put Iran in a corner. We are simply saying, 'Please release the personnel who should not have been seized in the first place'."
Meanwhile, back at Crazy Central, demonstrations at the foreign ministry are calling for the Brit hostages to be executed as spies.

Oh yeah, that whirring sound you just heard... that's Winston Churchill... maniacally spinning in his grave.

UPDATE: Iran's turn to whine
-- BAGHDAD (AP) -- The Iranian consul in Basra said Thursday that British soldiers had surrounded his office in the southern city and fired shots into the air.

Britain denied the allegation.
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Nobody really wants to look too closely, at how "diplomatic solutions" are actually put together.
The UK was also playing the game, intimating a desire to internationalize the crisis while taking no concrete steps in this direction, conducting "behind-the-scenes" negotiations via Middle East countries known to have close ties to Iran.

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