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28 March 2007

Female "swabbie" scuttles career

Well, at least she didn't convert to Islam.

I think.

Even if the Royal Navy is willing to accept this behaviour as being coerced by the Iranians, this woman will never be respected, or, I'm guessing, even spoken to by any other member of the British military forces... for the rest of her life.
Leading Seaman Turney, 26, said they had been seized in the Gulf because "obviously we trespassed" in Iranian waters - something the UK disputes.

There was separate footage of Leading Seaman Turney -- wearing a black headscarf -- and speaking.

"They were very friendly and very hospitable, very thoughtful, good people.

"They explained to us why we had been arrested. There was no aggression, no hurt, no harm. They were very, very compassionate."
Whatever happened to name, rank and serial number?

UPDATE: Damn you, infidel science!!!

Perhaps Ms. Turney and her newfound Iranian pals were a little too eager to point fingers...
The British evidence was based on a GPS read-out of the position where an Indian merchant ship was boarded by a British inspection party on Friday.

Iran at first offered a different co-ordinate and then, when it was pointed out that even this was in Iraqi waters, another reading was given, this time on the Iranian side.

RELATED: Politically correct argle-bargle falls flat

From the Andrea Dworkin School of Journalism...
Speaking to her local newspaper last year, she spoke of her pride at being a woman in the navy. "You can't just sit back just because you're a girl," she told the Plymouth Herald.

"I love the satisfaction of being able to walk away from a job and know that I have coped and completed the task just as well as a man would have done it."
I especially love the part in the much publicised propaganda letter to her family, where she talks about bringing home gifts from the Iranian people.

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