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05 March 2007

An experiment gone horribly wrong

It's alive!!! The poll that the Eco-nauts at thought they had slain, once again rears its ugly, politically incorrect head...

Come feed the monster...

Bernie, in the comments at SDA, posted a link to the "disappeared" poll that has David Suzuki gnashing his teeth and wetting his bed.

You can vote here... it's SUZU-MATIC


Let's keep the "Wheel of Ironic Humiliation" spinning.

DISHONESTY UPDATE: 5 Mar 2007 -- 3:18 pm

In a shameless move that would have made Josef Stalin blush, it appears that has been able to eliminate the link within Google cache. To ask for your copy of updated poll results, please email David Suzuki -- or write to...
Suite 219, 2211 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6K 4S2

Local: (604) 732-4228 in the lower mainland
Toll free: 1-800-453-1533 in the rest of Canada
Fax: (604) 732-0752

The above e-mail address and telephone numbers are for correspondence with the David Suzuki Foundation ONLY.

To reach David Suzuki's office: contact his assistant Elois Yaxley:

Fax: (604) 730-9672

ABRA-CADABRA: File this one under, "You can run, but you can't hide." Webwhiz Steve Janke still has a link to voting in this ephemeral poll.


UPDATE: 7 Mar 2007 - Not a Jolly Old Eco-elf
I approached Suzuki to get a quick quote about the importance of saving this wilderness from logging.

He was curt. "Not now," he said. Silly me, but I took that to mean later. So, a little later and a lot more sheepishly, I approached the renowned environmentalist again and again he snapped, "not now."

Shortly before I was slated to get back on the helicopter and head back to civilization to file my stories, I approached Suzuki one last time. This time he was clearer. "Fuck off," he snapped.

ECO-RAGE UPDATE: Mt Suzuki blows again
I saw Saint David and his huge global warming campaign bus on the Rick Mercer show the other night.

For the love of Gaia... somebody please tell me he's running that bio-cidal behemoth on recycled french-fry grease.

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