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05 February 2007

There's no avoiding it

Taking responsibility for your personal choices.
Margaret Somerville, founding director of McGill University's Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law, says early testing will essentially eliminate Downs syndrome as women opt to abort affected fetuses in “humanity's quest for perfection.”

It's a search and destroy mission,” Dr. Somerville said.
I'm afraid I have to part company with Dr. Somerville here.

The fact is, in an increasingly complicated, technology driven world... there is one unvarying constant in this situation.

You still get to choose what's right for you.

In this case, there is first... no way that your doctor, or the government, can force you to take these tests against your will. Second... in our current societal paradigm, there is similarly no mechanism that can force a person of conscience to abort against their wishes.

Unless the nanny-state Liberals choose to take this power away from the masses... this is still your call.


Just as it's entirely your call... to drive on your side of the dotted line on your next trip to the grocery store. The only thing that's stopping you from slamming your two ton rubber and steel projectile into oncoming traffic, or the young kid walking his dog, or the local storefront chapter of Planned Parenthood... is you.

And you make that choice daily.

So choose.

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