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05 February 2007

British soldiers... and Muslims

Zeeshan Hashmi, currently a student at Cambridge University, is a Muslim as well as a former British soldier.

His brother, Lance Corporal Jabron Hashmi, had also enlisted... and was killed on July 1, 2006 in Sangin, Afghanistan.
I do feel increasingly impatient when engaged in debates about my faith, its so-called link with extremism and its so-called rejection of democracy.

So why did my brother and I decided to join the British Army, having been born in Pakistan and being proud Muslims?
It's a voice we rarely get to hear.

He will be remembered
The family of the first British Muslim to be killed on active duty in Afghanistan laid the foundation stone of the new Armed Forces Memorial on Tuesday 23 January 2007.
LAST WORD: The opposing point of view
LONDON, Jan. 31 — British police conducted a series of raids today, starting before daybreak, to arrest nine people whom the authorities said were terrorists conspiring to kidnap and torture a British Muslim soldier, behead him and broadcast video images of his execution on the Internet.

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