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08 February 2007

That ain't Chanel No. 5 you're smellin'

Nosiree, ladies and gentlemen, that can only mean -- it's Car-B-Q season in Paris...

Break out the wine bottles and the hi-test...
-- PARIS, Feb. 7 -- Hearings began Wednesday in a suit brought by two influential French Muslim organizations against a satirical weekly newspaper for printing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad that had touched off international rioting.

The issue of whether revisions to the 1901 law separating church and state might be needed has become a topic of discussion in the presidential campaign.
Time once again, to hide the family sedan... preferably across the English Channel.

UPDATE: Israelis, Frenchmen, Canadians... whatever
Palestinian teenagers attacked a bus carrying a small group of Canadians and threw rocks at police.

The bus was carrying vacationing Canadians on a tour of the Mount of Olives holy site in east Jerusalem.

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