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08 February 2007

The highest bidder wins

The Iraqi government is a lot like the Liberal Party... the rot is so deep, you don't know where to stop cutting...
US and Iraqi forces in Baghdad have arrested the deputy health minister during a raid at his offices. The minister, Hakim al-Zamili, is a key member of the political group led by radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr.

He is accused of aiding Shia militiamen and using ambulances to move weapons, a ministry source told the BBC.
That, unfortunately, is simply the Middle East... where a Garth Turncoat is the rule and not the exception.

There will be more surgery, before this is over.

RELATED: Celestial Junk has this synopsis
For example, when Iraq’s interim government moved to arrest Muqtada Al Sadr for murder in 2004, it sparked a bloody confrontation between his Madhi army and American forces.

The coalition was given the perfect opportunity to take out Sadr permanently, yet it chose not to for reasons so illusive that one can only attributed them to Political Correctness.

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