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02 February 2007

Pop Quiz: What do leftbots...

What do leftbots like Libnip have in common with Arab dictatorships?

They're both actively engaged in deciding what's acceptable for you and I to read.

Obviously, when they put their fingers in their ears and start chanting so loudly they can't hear you... you know they're starting to panic.

-- It's time to reclaim the word "critical." --

Critical thought, free speech... that's MY Canada.

UPDATE: Worshipping at the Church of St. Stephane
The Renewal of Green Vows

Celebrant: Do you renounce fossil fuels and all their emissions?
All: We renounce them. Next year, or maybe the one after.

Celebrant: Are you prepared to turn off the lights and sacrifice your economy?
All: There will be no economic consequences.

Celebrant: Are you willing to save the planet by reducing your 2% contribution to greenhouse gases while the rest of the world may or may not?
All: We are Canada. Somebody notice us, please.

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