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02 February 2007

Murderers and rapists...

Deserve real time.
The government is considering possible changes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act that would sharply increase the number of young offenders sent to adult jails, according to a memo obtained by CTV News.

The memo sketches a "preferred option" that would "give the Crown discretion to use adult criminal justice procedures for youths aged 16 and 17 who are charged with murder, attempted murder, manslaughter or aggravated sexual assault."
I'd sooner pay to keep murderers in jail, than for senators to vacation in Dubai.

UPDATE: Well, speak of the devils
The 19-year-old former high school football captain and first-year Mohawk College business student was attacked in May 2001 and beaten with sticks and bats after leaving a house party with his girlfriend.

He died the next day from head injuries

Sam Nop, 24, and Fadil Mujku, 23, can apply for parole in six or seven years.

Due to a two-for-one credit for time served, Stephen Papadopoulos, 26, was released from Maplehurst prison last night. He was convicted of manslaughter.
UBER-UPDATE: The Big Apple bites back
A man who shot two undercover police officers in the head has become the first person in more than 50 years to be sentenced to death in a federal case in New York and could become the first man executed there since the 1960s.

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