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07 February 2007

Monkey see... monkey do

UPDATE: Oy, lads... wot's all this fussin' about?
Schools minister Jim Knight has ordered an inquiry into an Islamic school accused of promoting religious intolerance.


When I hear about this type of thing, I always picture a ramshackle building... full of malnourished children being turned into robots.

I hadn't imagined the King Fahad Academy in west London.
A Saudi-funded Islamic school says it is removing from text books controversial passages which allegedly brand other faiths as "worthless".

In another textbook for 12 and 13 year olds, dated 2004/2005, the author allegedly says that a Koranic verse, which talks of turning people into monkeys and pigs, is about Jews and Christians.

The author quotes an early Islamic scholar as saying: "The monkeys are the Jews. And the pigs, they are the Christian infidels at Jesus's table."

The head insisted pupils were never taught religious hatred or intolerance.
Actually... they're not being taught anything at all.

They're being programmed.

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