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07 February 2007

Dalton's crapping his pants

UPDATE: Get out the diapers.
NDP candidate Paul Ferriera -- who parlayed opposition to the 25% pay hike for MPPs and support for a $10 minimum wage into a strong campaign theme -- delivered a stunning blow to the ruling Dalton McGuinty Liberals in the York South-Weston byelection last night.

Hey... nice to know that sometimes, the chickens DO come home to roost.
In York South-Weston, the New Democrats have tapped into a deep vein of anger over the 25-per-cent pay rise the McGuinty government awarded MPPs just before Christmas.

Their increase has become entangled with the province's minimum wage, which rose 25 cents to $8 an hour on Feb. 1.

"If politicians can give themselves a 25-per-cent raise and the Premier himself can take $40,000 into his own back pocket four days before Christmas, then surely the lowest paid working people deserve a bigger raise as well," said Paul Ferreira.

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