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15 February 2007

Lloyd dismisses all charges

Just watched trained monkeys Lloyd Robertson and Bob Fife "exonerate" the Fiberals on Income Trusts on CTV's national newscast. They actually used the word "gossip", which I hadn't previously recognised as a legal term.

Of course, Lloyd and Bob just read what's on the teleprompter... they're not actually allowed to think for themselves.

You get a different opinion when you ask, say... a Forensic Accountant.
"It's just, to me, impossible that it was only person involved," said Al Rosen, a prominent forensic accountant who has accused the accounting profession, governments, regulators and police of failing to protect ordinary investors.

"So, unless this guy's a multimillionaire and has dozens of brokers he deals with, this charging of one person makes no sense."

"I can see why the RCMP wants to close the whole thing down with one prosecution. But there was just too much trading volume that particular day in just too many stocks. So it can't possibly be one guy trading on his own behalf."
Let's also not forget how forthcoming former Liberal Leadership candidate Scott Brison was, when asked about emailing a stockbroker buddy... just before the announcement became public...
When asked later whether he personally had a communication in which he might have speculated on the outcome without firm knowledge, Mr. Brison said "No," adding, "You're asking me something in terms of communication that I don't remember."

"I don't recall anything."
UPDATE: MSM not totally on board
The force set out to find a stock market schemer who whispered a big secret to serious money players who, overcome by greed, drove up trade volumes and prices of several trusts in such ham-fisted form it was impossible for market watchers not to flag the trades as suspicious once the Goodale announcement on income trust taxation rolled out a few hours later.
LAST WORD: Business as usual?
Eight years ago, The Globe and Mail analyzed 28 friendly deals over a one-year period, each with a value over $150-million, and found half of the target companies saw their share price rise at least 25 per cent between the time the two companies first began talking and the night before the deal was disclosed to the public.

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