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04 February 2007

If Israel gets nuked...

It ain't gonna be because they were asleep at the switch.
Rheva Bhalla of Stratfor, the US intelligence company, told the Sunday Times on Friday that Hassanpour had been targeted by Mossad and that there was “very strong intelligence” to suggest that he had been assassinated by the Israelis, who have repeatedly threatened to prevent Iran acquiring the bomb.
I've said it before... I'll say it again.
There will be no Iranian nuclear bomb.

Or, to be more precise, it'll only ever happen over Israel's blackened smoking corpse.
RELATED: Israel takes self-defence seriously
The Israeli Government has been known to go to extreme steps to maintain its position as the only nuclear power in the region.

In 1986 when a former technician in Israel's nuclear reactor, Mordechai Vanunu, revealed to London's The Sunday Times that Israel had about 200 nuclear warheads and provided photographs of the reactor, Mossad kidnapped him in Europe. He was convicted of treason and spent 18 years in prison in Israel.

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