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28 February 2007

Do as I say... not as I do

I saw this item on Global News the other day and wondered if it was going to be picked up by the larger mainstream media. Just something to think about, the next time the CBC tries to "warn" you about, the danger of, well... anything.
-- TORONTO -- Despite Ontario's strict prohibition on smoking in the workplace, employees at the CBC's downtown Toronto headquarters are legally lighting up inside two smoking lounges outfitted with plush sofas and ashtrays, a Global News investigation has found.

Hidden cameras captured smokers puffing away and ashtrays filled with cigarette butts inside the public broadcaster's Toronto building, and the CBC says its workers can smoke in similar designated rooms at its locations in Montreal, Moncton, St. John's, Nfld., and Saint John, N.B.
The same smug, sanctimonious twits who prattle on about helmetless tobogganing and the scary, hidden conservative agenda... in direct contravention of Ontario's prohibition against smoking in the workplace, nevertheless provide smoking lounges for their own employees.

Apparently, some legal loopholes are acceptable.

CBC BULLSHIT EXTRAVAGANZA: Butting Out: The Slow Death of Smoking in Canada

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