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28 February 2007

Dion couldn't whip cream

UPDATE: Steffi ready to do, uh... "something." -- just not to Paul Martin or Bill Graham.
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal MP Tom Wappel will face unspecified "consequences" for breaking party ranks and voting with the minority Conservative government on an anti-terrorism law vote, Liberal leader Stephane Dion said yesterday.

However, several of his colleagues, including three Liberals who also sided with the government but abstained from voting with Mr. Dion's blessing, say they do not believe Mr. Wappel will be, or should be, disciplined.

Lemme see... this vote was supposed to be a three line whip... but what does it mean when the former Prime Minister and the former interim Party Leader run away and hide on the day of the vote?

Dion should have asked himself, "Do I really want to die on THIS hill?"
-- There were 12 Liberals unaccounted for, one who abstained and one who voted with the Tories. --


Paul Martin

Bill Graham

Derek Lee

Ujjal Dosanjh

Brenda Chamberlain

Keith Martin

Colleen Beaumier

Roy Cullen

Bryon Wilfert

Larry Bagnell

Don Bell

Gary Merasty


Irwin Cotler


Tom Wappel
RELATED: 84,000 Muslim Canadian Jihadis
Fully 12% of Muslim Canadians polled by Environics said the alleged terrorist plot -- that included kidnapping and beheading the prime minister and blowing up Parliament and the CBC -- was justified.
LAST WORD: Blinded by the light
Today’s vote ordered by Stéphane Dion may have effectively killed the ongoing police investigation by making it impossible to compel testimony from material witnesses.

One must question the determination of the Liberals to leave unexamined the worst act of airline terror in history and its bungled 20-year prosecution, and to abandon those whose lives were shattered by this atrocity.”

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