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27 January 2007

C'mon, can't you guys take a joke?

There was an initial report out of Iran this evening, about a substantial ramping up of the country's nuclear capability...
Tehran — Iran is currently installing 3,000 centrifuges, a top legislator said Saturday in an announcement underlining the country will continue to develop its nuclear program despite UN sanctions.

Legislator Alaeddin Boroujerdi said the installation underway at an Iranian uranium-enrichment plant "stabilizes Iran's capability in the field of nuclear technology," Iran's IRNA news agency reported.
This story is now suddenly being repudiated via the Pakistani press, as someone upstream realises poking a stick through these particular bars might have serious consequences...
TEHRAN: An Iranian nuclear official has denied the statement of a senior Tehran parliamentarian as he was quoted as saying the country has begun installing 3000 new atomic centrifuges for uranium enrichment.

The Iranian nuclear agency official told a state news agency that no new centrifuge machine has been installed.
Those Iranians are such kidders... hey Alaeddin, you wanna hear a joke?

What's flat, black and glows in the dark?

Experts fall from the skies like manna
Another source with familiarity with the Iranian programme said: "Iran has put all this money into this huge hole in the ground at Natanz; it has put a huge amount of money in these P-1 centrifuges, the model rejected by Urenco."

"It is like the Model T Ford compared to a Prius."

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