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28 January 2007

Somebody tell me...

Which part of the Koran permits, nay, encourages... murdering children?

If it's not in there... then why does this ever increasing internecine slaughter go on and on?

Cementing their place firmly into history as the worlds most cowardly people, Islamic insurgents in Iraq turned their weapons on young girls....
-- Baghdad -- Mortar shells rained down Sunday on a girls' secondary school in a mostly Sunni area of western Baghdad, killing five pupils and wounding 20, witnesses and police said.
The rest of the article goes on to describe unceasing slaughter that would make Robert Pickton sit up and take notice.

Backshooting, bombs on buses and slaughtering children.

Way to go Religion of Peace.

GAZA UPDATE: They shoot babies, don't they?
A Fatah loyalist, a Hamas member, a teenager and a two-year old child were among those killed yesterday and two Hamas supporters died in an attack the previous night.
THE POINT: Libnip thinks I'm a meanie

In the comments... Liberal Catnip mewls that I'm being unfairly critical of the Religion of Peace.

I'm thinkin' it may not just be hardass, conservative me.

Right under the Globe and Mail headline article on not-so-peace lovin' Iraqitards mortaring a girls school... is, lo and behold... the same insane behaviour from their Gazan confreres...
Gaza City, Gaza Strip — Hamas and Fatah gunmen battled each other in the streets Sunday, having sent civilians fleeing from their homes in an increasingly bloody power struggle that left more than two dozen Palestinians dead over the weekend.

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