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04 December 2006

A victim of political correctness

*** Politically correct stunt elected Stephane Dion. ***
MONTREAL (CP) - It seemed a harmless gesture to reward the lowliest candidate for a gallant campaign. It may have changed the course of the Liberal leadership race, handing the crown to Stephane Dion.

Of all the sweaty palmed shakedowns, the not-so-secret pacts and the unseemly convention floor shoving matches, the most pivotal turned out to be a whimsical decision late Friday by a half dozen or so of Gerard Kennedy's ex-officio delegates to loan their support to last-place contender Martha Hall Findlay on the first ballot.

They felt confident Kennedy could spare a few votes and hoped they might be able to boost the lone female contender ahead of seventh-place Joe Volpe.

But those few votes made all the difference. Kennedy wound up slipping into fourth, just two votes behind Dion. The psychological impact of those paltry two votes on the 5,000 delegates turned out to be huge.
So much for unity and renewal

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