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04 December 2006

Another reason why...

The Canadian justice system needs a complete overhaul.
A 26-year-old convicted killer was murdered early yesterday, apparently killed by a gunshot wound to the head. Dennis Kwame Oppong, 26, was found lying on a Front St. sidewalk, just west of Spadina, at 3 a.m. after emergency services got telephone calls about a shooting.

Oppong was convicted in the '90s in the brutal subway stabbing death of 15-year-old Ishmael Spence. Oppong apparently rushed at Spence without provocation and stabbed him in the chest and head, penetrating his brain.
What the hell was this guy doing on the street?

I guess he completed his anger-management classes.

UPDATE: 11 Jan 2007 - Speaking up for Dennis Oppong

Someone obviously feels very strongly about this man. In the interest of fair play, you can read his version of what transpired in the comments...
Dennis was a resident a Syl Aps Youth Center while I was a counsellor there. Dennis was approached by four gang members at the Kennedy subway station by this "innocent" Ishmael character...

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