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31 December 2006

Problem with pests... call TRS

Jack and Gilles may head for the hills... but real Canadians don't bug out...

So says a man known as "Edge"...

Written in felt pen on the cover of his helmet in Pashtu is "Taliban Relocation Service," a tribute to fallen comrade Master Cpl. Jeffrey Walsh...
Unlike certain so-called leaders of some marginal political parties, Cpl. Mark Ejdrygiewicz has no time for weasel words...
Any soldier that doesn't want to come back for another tour here, shouldn't have come in the first place.

"Being gung ho, being enthusiastic about doing his job? Hey that's a good thing," he said. "If you've got soldiers out here wanting to go home, miserable and complaining, they're a risk to you, they're a risk to themselves and they don't need to be here."

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