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31 December 2006

One question... to be answered honestly

At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest, I'd like to know what percentage of heterosexual parents would be truly happy to find out that their son or daughter was homosexual... c'mon now, fess up.

--- I'm thinkin' the answer is... zip... zero... as in none.

That, of course, is only my hetero-biased opinion. Any otherwise oriented persons are welcome to jump in here... not literally, if you please.

The divergent opinions on this matter is what makes this research pretty significant to sundry and all.
It raises the prospect that pregnant women could one day be offered a treatment to reduce or eliminate the chance that their offspring will be homosexual.

Experts say that, in theory, the “straightening” procedure on humans could be as simple as a hormone supplement for mothers-to-be, worn on the skin like an anti-smoking nicotine patch.
The salient fact here is that if everyone on the planet woke up tomorrow and found they were magically transformed into practising homosexuals... the human race, IVF notwithstanding, would be effectively doomed to extinction.

So you have to ask yourself, what's up with all the individuals and organisations out there who are militantly lobbying to wipe out any perception that being heterosexual is "the norm" in human society?

I say, be who you are... but accept the reality.

The fact is... enough deviation from the putative norm would erase human beings from this planet, for a couple of million years.

Not that that would be a complete disaster.

h/t to SDA


UPDATE: The not so intellectual Empire Strikes back

The person who bills himself as "Canadian Cynic" is so shy he has to post here anonymously, before putting up a frothing personal attack at his own version of myblahg.
Hetero-bias my arse. You can't go two minutes without thinking about "the cock."
Wow, that just blows away my commentary about extinction.

I'm in good company though. He next turns his razor-sharp wit and prodigious vocabulary on Small Dead Animals and AGWN, with a tour-de-force entitled, "Kate, you ignorant slut."


Another vituperative little Bobby McClelland wannabe... it's so cute seeing them struggle to get up and talk.

Next time though, maybe try it without pounding back so many beers. Happy New Year.

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