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06 December 2006

The Montreal Massacre

Remember Gamil Gharbi?

Of course, you don't... it's almost a crime in media circles to mention that name.
For women’s groups, the Montreal Massacre is an atrocity that taints all men, and for which all men must acknowledge their guilt. Marc Lepine symbolizes the murderous misogyny that lurks within us all.

M Lepine was born Gamil Gharbi, the son of an Algerian Muslim wife-beater, whose brutalized spouse told the court at their divorce hearing that her husband “had a total disdain for women and believed they were intended only to serve men”.
There's a perception out there that...
"The massacre, rather than being just a random attack by a madman, was an expression of attitudes toward women that are still latent today and seek to hold women back."
That much, at least, is true. Gamil Gharbi, the abused son of an Algerian Muslim immigrant, was predisposed, as a direct result of his upbringing, to think of women as less than fully human.

Which allowed him to murder 14 innocent women in cold blood.

Just think... if the Liberal government had spent 2 billion dollars going after "spousal abusers" rather than farmer's rifles... they might have actually made a difference.

Once again, there's your nanny-state Liberals getting it horrendously wrong... and sticking us with the bill.

UPDATE: Show me the money Annie!!!
The story of the deliberately hidden cost overruns of the gun registry was one of the last scandals to hit the dying Paul Martin government. In fact, it wasn't properly investigated until after the 2006 election that saw the Paul Martin Liberals removed from power.

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