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06 December 2006

Clarity Act: The fog of Steffi's war

The current wave of moonbat mania is such that they can't say the word 'Dion' without automatically tacking on 'Clarity Act.' Much like Al Gore's claim to have invented the Internet, there's a tad more to the story.
Well before that, though, Harper started drafting a private member's bill, Bill C-341, which only ever reached first reading exactly one year to the day after the referendum, Oct. 30, 1996.

Four years later, on June 29, 2000, the federal Clarity Act was passed by the Liberals, borrowing liberally from Harper's private member's bill and answering the questions and providing the framework that Manning and Harper pushed for and were ridiculed and lambasted for over the years.
Manning on Dion...
"He is a nice man and he's sincere, but I think he's sincerely wrong on a lot of things," Manning adds with a laugh.
Like thinking French citizenship won't matter to voters.

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