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06 December 2006

Everyday Feminine Protection

And they say chivalry is dead...
I'm willing to buy a woman a gun to defend herself (value up to $700) plus pay for the two tests necessary to obtain a Possession and Acquisition License, plus pay for the license itself, plus pay for membership in a licensed gun club.
While Frank's heart is in the right place, the only time a Canadian woman would be legally allowed to defend herself with a gun would be, ironically... if she were attacked at a gun range.

Despite what the Libs & Dippers are telling you, owners of legally registered handguns aren't walking around downtown just dying to whip out their iron and start blasting.

Handguns in Canada have been restricted and required registration since the 1930's. Any Calamity Jane who imagines that she'll be permitted to carry a handgun has watched too many Dirty Harry movies.

The real trouble is with illegal, unregistered guns owned by thugs.

That's what makes the Farmer Bob Rifle Registry such a joke.

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