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07 December 2006

Dion distilled

This is how to disassemble a fallacy... talk about surgery with words...
Someone needs to provide me with a rational explanation as to why I should vote for a party leader who can barely express himself in intelligible spoken English, and to add insult to injury, also insists on retaining the citizenship of another country.
This isn't about the fine print legality of dual citizenship, or even the fact that Dion's English makes Jean Chretien sound like Alistair Cooke.

If Stephane Dion is truly committed to the service of this great country, if he is truly a man with a mission, he wouldn't be squabbling over whether or not to give up his, hopefully largely symbolic, French citizenship.

To paraphrase the movie Jerry Maguire... "Show me the loyalty!!!"

Everybody says Dion's a really smart guy. I'm just not seeing it.
Dion is not helping himself by reacting emotionally, revealed in his testy exchanges with reporters after his dual citizenship was first raised by Calgary Sun columnist Ezra Levant. Levant pointed out, rightly, that the Grits would go nuts if Prime Minister Stephen Harper was a dual Canadian-American citizen.

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