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23 November 2006

Use a gun... you're done

While Liberal Leadership convention organisers are busy planning just how to entrench your teenage sons rights to engage in... no word of a lie... anal sexual relations with other men... that scary Stephen Harper has been wasting valuable time targeting violent criminals.
“We made it a priority because Canadians had made it very clear to us that they wanted the scales of justice balanced.

Under the new legislation, suspects accused of violent crimes will be required to prove to a judge that they're not a danger to society.

The so-called reverse onus bail conditions mean the Crown would no longer have to prove to a judge that an accused should be detained pending trial.
Unlike the 2 billion dollar public relations stunt, also known as the Farmer Bob Rifle Registry... these Conservative proposals go directly to the source of the problem... criminals.

It's about time.

UPDATE: 37% of shooters out on bail
Jeremiah Valentine, charged with second-degree murder in the Boxing Day murder of Toronto teen Jane Creba, was under three gun bans after convictions at the time. Two 17-year-olds charged with manslaughter in the case were released on bail since the shooting.

The Criminal Lawyers' Association opposes this "one-size fits all" legislation, its vice-president, Frank Addario said.
I'm guessing their clients aren't too happy either.

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