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05 November 2006

Saddam gets off easy

If there really was such a thing as divine justice, Saddam would be turned over, in series, to the families of the tens of thousands of people he had tortured & murdered and they would all be invited to carve a little piece off of him as a token of retribution.
It was mere days after he had grabbed power when Saddam Hussein summoned 400 top Iraqi officials, announcing he had uncovered a plot against the ruling party. The conspirators, he said, were in that very room.
Sadly, he will only be hung, once... and like Paul Bernardo's life sentence this is small retribution for the evil deeds he wrought in his wretched lifetime.
The plot was a lie. But in a few terrifying minutes on July 22, 1979, Saddam eliminated his potential rivals — consolidating the power he wielded for almost three decades as Iraq's president, until a U.S.-led coalition drove him out in 2003.
This is what he did to people within his own ruling elite.

You don't want to know what he did to people outside that inner circle. Trust me, you really don't.

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