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05 November 2006

Less sugar-coated carrot, way more stick

UPDATE: 8 Nov 2006 - Conservatives crack down
OTTAWA -- Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day has ordered corrections brass to make murderers spend at least two years in a maximum-security prison.

"I instructed corrections to enforce the regulation that all murderers should spend at least two years in maximum security," he said. "I am concerned about the message that this statistic sends to convicted offenders
UPDATE: 7 Nov 2006 - Murderers skate on maximum security
OTTAWA -- Two women who contracted murder and another who bludgeoned her partner's toddler are among the growing number of Canadian killers who have skipped the mandatory two-year stint in a maximum-security prison, Sun Media has learned.

Stephen Harper and the Conservatives have been taking heat from the Libs and Dippers over cracking down on repeat, violent criminals... the worst of the worst. They've also been criticised for shutting down the Liberal funded program that gave these bottom-feeding predators the right to vote.

Now it's time somebody told Corrections Canada to straighten out and fly right.
In a five-year span up to September 2005, only 13 of 577 murderers, or 2.25%, were deemed "exceptions" to the two-years-in-max rule.

But in the six months after the policy was quietly amended last fall, that number of exemptees soared to 24 of 80 convicted murderers, or 30%.

Under pressure from victims' groups, the Correctional Service of Canada adopted a policy in February 2001 that made it mandatory for first-and second-degree murderers to do at least two years of their life sentence in a maximum-security penitentiary.

CSC spokesman Christa McGregor said the change in September 2005 gave wardens "discretion" to grant exceptions, whereas the decision had previously rested with brass at CSC headquarters.
Let's just stop the insanity. I wrote about this recently.
"It's true, Stephen Harper should scare you stupid... if you're a violent, unrepentant thug."

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