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27 November 2006

Less babies... more lap dances

Remember former Liberal Immigration Minister Judy Sgro?

Well, she's continuing her campaign for 'Women's Rights' from the Opposition ranks.
“I think Harper and his Conservative government, based on their policies, would clearly prefer women would stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and move us backwards 40 years,” she said.
Of course, this is the same woman who was hip-deep in the dodgy business of sneaking foreign strippers under the Canadian immigration radar.
OTTAWA -- Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada, saying the strip club business is "a strong industry" with "lots of customers."

Yesterday, for a third day, Sgro faced Opposition questions about her chief of staff's involvement in a Romanian stripper's visa troubles and in a controversial program that sees foreign peelers getting special work visas.
I can hear women all across Canada, cheering for Judy Sgro's ambitions for their daughters.


SIDENOTE: More good news, the Libs also have plans for your sons

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