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15 September 2006

Pakistan pissed at Pope

The Pakistani National Assembly has just condemned infamous scofflaw & troublemaker Pope Benedict XVI for allegedly telling an anti-Islamic anecdote. I say, good for them, you know you can't just let these outrages slide.
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's parliament on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution condemning Pope Benedict XVI for making what it called "derogatory" comments about Islam, and seeking an apology from him for hurting Muslims' feelings.
Of course, they also just voted to keep on giving rapists a get out of jail free card.
In Pakistan, rape is dealt with under Islamic laws known as the Hudood Ordinances. These criminalise all sex outside marriage.

So, under Hudood, if a rape victim fails to present four male witnesses to the crime, she herself could face punishment.
So, as long as the rape is only witnessed by three or fewer witnesses friendly to the victim, the perpetrator skates. Please note witnesses must be male, sharia law does not consider the word of a worthless woman.

Pakistan, despite possessing a nuclear capability, is still in effect, a feudal theocracy. It is a state where religion is the law. This may go some way towards explaining why the United States is having trouble apprehending Osama Bin-Laden... said to be hiding in Pakistan's tribal districts.

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