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16 September 2006

A lesson for Benny

I don't get it. I thought the Pope would have had a little more grit, but at the first squawk from the Islamoweenies, he folds like a cheap suit. Now it sounds like he's gonna have to hunker down and hide.

Perhaps he should be more like Stephen Harper.
If I believed any numbers I wouldn't be prime minister today. You do what's right. And then the public will decide what the numbers actually are.
They're breaking it down over at the Broom.

UPDATE: Religion of Peace goes apeshit.

I'm trying to imagine the group of raggedy-ass rocket scientists who came up with this brainwave. "Ali, put down that molotov cocktail and hear me out. Why don't we kill the Pope? That'll fix everything."
As security was beefed up around Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday night, the Mujahideen's Army movement in Iraq threatened to carry out a suicide attack against the Pope in revenge for his comments about Islam and jihad.

On a website used by rebel movements in Iraq, a message posted by the Mujahideen's Army said members of the organization would "smash the crosses in the house of the dog from Rome."
I'm guessing Dale Carnegie hasn't been translated into Arabic.

Captain Ed has questions.

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