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03 September 2006

Kicking Tali-butt.

There will undoubtedly be many weepy, whiny Liberals & Dippers who will focus solely on the fact that 4 Canadian soldiers were killed Sunday in this opening phase of Operation Medusa.
KABUL (Reuters) - "Reports indicate that more than 200 Taliban fighters have been killed since Operation MEDUSA began early Saturday morning," a statement by NATO said, adding Afghan forces captured more than 80 other Taliban.

Four NATO soldiers were killed during Sunday's operations and seven others were wounded, the statement said, without elaborating on the nationalities of the victims.
No one would argue that these Canadian casualties are anything but tragic for their family and friends. But let's not overlook the fact that our soldiers laid a major case of whoop-ass on the Islamotards this weekend.

If these figures are accurate, in this single engagement the Canadians scored a 50 to 1 kill ratio over the Taliban. More importantly, at this very moment the bloody, demoralised Talib survivors who limped away from this battle, are no doubt still trying to figure out why Allah let them be beaten like a stubborn, lippy fourth wife.

So for all you lefty crybabies out there, let me try to put this into perspective. At the battle of Vimy Ridge, arguably Canada's greatest military victory ever (which some people claim is what forged our country's national identity) if Canadian troops had tallied this same kill ratio... there would have been 175,000 German bodies to bury.

Like their predecessors in battles past, if Canadian soldiers are ordered to fight, they will. And if they fight, they'll win.

So in between mourning the deaths of these stalwart men and women and second guessing the leadership in Ottawa, let's not lose sight of the fact that we're winning this thing.

SIDENOTE: What's the feeling in the military community?
At least two of the soldiers killed on Sunday were based in CFB Petawawa in eastern Ontario: Warrant Officer Frank Robert Mellish and Warrant Officer Richard Francis Nolan.

There are 5,000 military families at the base, and CTV's David Akin said that "you will hear nary a word of dissent about the nature of the mission from them here ... they are committed to it, and they realized the dangers and the risks.
UPDATE: 7:48 AM EDT 4 Sep 2006 - Another Canadian killed.

The "friendly fire" incident occurred at about 5:30 a.m. local time, when a U.S. A-10 Warthog airplane mistakenly fired on a group of Canadian vehicles during an offensive that included a barrage by jets and artillery.

Officials confirmed that one Canadian soldier had died and a number of others wounded. Initial reports suggest six were critically hurt, another six seriously and 12 were "walking wounded."
An unfortunate fact of life for soldiers, hence the expression, "the fog of war."

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