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02 September 2006

But Wait! There's More!

I'm thinkin' these guys really need to work on their pitch.
"To the American people and the people of the West in general ... God sent his Prophet Muhammad with guidance and the religion of truth ... and sent him as a herald," Mr. al-Zawahri said in an introduction to Saturday's video.

"We invite all Americans and unbelievers to Islam," Mr. Gadahn said, sporting a long, thick black beard with a computer terminal in the background.
An invitation? You mean I've actually got a choice here? You're not gonna stick a gun in my mouth or anything like that, are you?Face it Ayman, this Muhammad guy might be number one in the afterlife biz, but if you really wanna sell this puppy in the here and now, you're gonna have to jazz it up a bit.

How about a few tips from one of the gods of capitalism? If you can sell spray-on hair, you can sell anything.

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