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31 July 2006

The United Nations is...

The weak little sister of the looney left.
"Iran's peaceful nuclear program poses no threat to international peace and security and therefore dealing with this issue in the Security Council is unwarranted and void of any legal basis or practical utility," Zarif told the council.
Just look at the bang-up job they did in Rwanda... never mind the 28 years they've been "observing" in Lebanon.

That Kofi's one ball of wax too...
But what has to be clear by now is that the U.N. itself was either corrupt, or so stunningly incompetent as to require total overhaul. There are by now enough questions, there has been enough secrecy, stonewalling, and rising evidence of graft all around the U.N. program in Iraq, so that it is surely worth an independent investigation into the U.N. itself — and Annan's role in supervising this program.

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