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30 July 2006

Liberal smoke & mirrors...

It's a sad day in this neighbourhood. Last Tuesday, our closest farming neighbour was killed in a machinery accident. I didn't know him except to wave as I drove past, but he was my age and left behind a wife and 2 daughters. He lived next door to his parents, who shared the farm. He was buried today in the small cemetery down the road, very close to his property. I can only imagine what a huge blow this is to his family and I don't know how it will affect their livelihood.

His death got me thinking about the political hay the Liberals are trying to make out of the deaths of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Not to minimise anyone's sacrifice (and correct me if I'm wrong) Canada has suffered 20 soldiers deaths in the last 4 years. That works out to 5 deaths per year.

So what does this have to do with farmers?
Each year in Canada, farming injuries cause about 120 deaths and 1,200 medical interventions. Deaths to farmers and farm workers represent 13% of all occupational fatalities in Canada.
What this means is that you are 24 times more likely to die farming than you are to be murdered on patrol in Khandahar.

Here's another shocker...
About 3,000 people per year die in motor vehicle crashes in Canada. Of that total, 40 per cent (1,200 deaths) are attributed to alcohol. Canadians are spending up to $25 billion annually in emergency care, rehabilitation and other costs resulting from traffic collisions.
Here in Canada, you are 600 times more likely to be killed driving your own car and incredibly, almost 250 times more likely to be killed by a drunk driver.

Just something to remember the next time you hear Bill Graham and the Liberals trying to manipulate your emotions and your vote.

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