-- "Project Sledgehammer has led to the arrests of Alden O'Neil Nunes, 45, Inderdip Singh Sahota, 36, and Shivansh Sharma, 34, and the seizure of approximately 5.5 kilograms of methamphetamine and heroin with an approximate street value of $140,000." --
Say, bro... what's up these days with 'Oshawa man.'
I actually grew up in 'pre-machete' Ajax......
-- "Durham Regional Police are looking for four suspects after a man was swarmed and stabbed with machetes in Ajax. The victim was returning to his home when the four surrounded and attacked him, stabbing him multiple times." --And...
-- "Jessica Pomerleau, 40, is facing charges after allegedly stealing a marked security vehicle and attempting to flee police while impaired in Whitby." --